Saturday, May 26, 2012

Introductions Please

Hello friends! I am a little apprehensive about starting this blog. I mean there are hundreds out there about vintage style so why do we need another one! But, as redundant as the vintage movement may be to some blog readers I feel that everyone's story about why and how they started on their vintage journey is both unique and relevant. As for me....well...

(Que sentimental music)....

"It all started in a one room cottage located on the outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. I was born in the fall of 1980 to a single mother who worked as a housekeeper for a rich family in town. Life was hard then........"

( chirp, chirp).....

OK so not all of that is true. I was born in 1980 to a single mother but she wasn't a housekeeper ( she worked for J&J) and I was born in New Jersey not Georgia. I just thought it would sound a little more interesting if I started my story that way. Any-who, my mother would tell you that I was always into the "old days". I was the three year old that preferred to watch old black & white movies over cartoons. I would memorize the songs and dance around like Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. I was enamored with the glamour that the on-screen ladies had in those days and wanted to be just like them. As the years went by I developed a flair for the dramatic and eventually started acting in high school, but never had the courage to bring my love for "playing dress up" from stage to real life.  Now that I am in my 30's I no longer care what anyone else thinks of me and now want become one of those elegant ladies myself. This is my journey.... follow me!

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